"Today is difficult, tomorrow is more difficult, but the day after tomorrow is beautiful."
I sat in the sun at the beach listening to that Hawaii album with a black pug sitting next to me and we chilled together, and watched all of San Francisco frolicking in the 85 degree paradise. I drove home in silence. No radio. No music. Windows down roaring. I started the book. I see lime green
The music is driven by solar wind data that was captured by the ACE satellite during the year 2003. The basic vocal ambience layer is created with 6 distinct vocal layers that correspond to carbon charge state distribution. The value average charge state of Carbon is represented by another set of voices that sing in a higher register. The He/O element ratio is represented by a chord composed of an extremely high frequency set of triangle waveforms. This sound can be described as a glistening. During a CME the reverb quickly swells to a much higher volume before slowly receding back to the baseline level, this creates the feeling of a sudden expanse. The sawtooth bass-line acts as a grandiose metronome, with each change in pitch marking one half rotation of the sun.
clean white space part two
i am sad.
I went back in time and found some peace
I saw a license plate that read:
I woke up to the sound of my parents' voices coming from down the hall. My mom must have heard me rustle in the sheets. She came into my room and turned on the lights and blinded me. She told me to take some more Tylenol. And asked if I was hungry. What time is it? 6:00AM. Oh. I'm not hungry, I'll just take the Tylenol. Do you still have a fever? 10 second beep beep beep 101.2. Yes. Hmm okay. Here, eat this bread. It is sweet bread. Ok. She went and filled up one of those plastic sacks with cold water and I plopped it on my face. I laid there on my back, sweating profusely, remembering all the other times I was sick and my parents took care of me. Weird. I'm 24 and today I feel like I'm 12 again