you said you were gonna get into words? 

you didn't really believe that you would. 

words for the sake of writing , you've never been able to maintain this habit before

but hah- look now  

words on words on words on words

its good 

my mind feels sharpened and keen 

my heart is learning how to speak more clearly

unbelievable you let it live so quietly for so many years

and now you're a crazy person bantering to yourself for the sake of it, because you love it, because you know it's worth it to keep this all alive, because you can set your own soul on fire, what a lesson learned



someone else set your soul on fire

but you can keep it burning  

that's what nice

the words keep it burning



so what next now

you haven't remembered a dream in recent memory

lets try to wake the ole subconscious tv again with this new fuel

with this invisible fire & murakami moonlight  

silver, green & gold


I'm a little scared


nah fuck it - it's going to be beautiful  





